10 Pairs of opposites

Mindful self-inquiry is the embodiment of living our yoga. We practice self-observation without judgement, and learn how to hold space so that we can respond to what comes our way with compassion. In our daily lives, this means being mindful about what we consume (food, information, sensory impressions), having a strong physical, mental, & energetic container to be able to hold space for the lotus and the mud, having efficient digestion so that we can metabolize what we consume, and having clear channels so we can eliminate the waste products and prevent stagnation. This requires paying attention, and being aware of how our choices impact us.

Ayurveda is an elemental science and provides elegant guidance in finding balance. Each element has specific qualities (e.g. heavy or light, cold or hot, dry or oily), called gunas. Understanding the gunas can help us identify early signs of imbalance by recognizing when a particular quality is too high or too low. We find balance by applying this law of the universe: Like facilities like and opposites bring balance. By developing practicing self-awareness without judgement, we can sense what we need to stay balanced and develop the discernment needed to make choices that will be balancing, nourishing, and supportive.

Take a look at this chart and spend some time thinking about how you experience these qualities in your environment, the foods you eat, your daily routine, and in your body. Do you notice any qualities that are imbalanced right now?

Want to learn how to bring these 20 qualities into balance in your life? Let’s work together to develop a wellness practice that will facilitate balance and help you understand how to make choices that will keep you feeling your best.


Food is Medicine: Part 1 - Digestive FIre


Come to Your Senses