Creating an Altar for abundance & Prosperity

Do you have a sacred space in your home? Setting up a meditation altar using the directional science of Vastu Shastra can help you tune the frequency of your space to your needs and intentions. As I prepared to launch this new adventure, I created this new altar to connect to the abundance of the universe. The primary color for abundance and prosperity is green, so I used a green cloth to set the foundation. The secondary color is gold, so I made sure to incorporate gold with the inclusion of my lotus candle, which represents my business, but also my heart. (*We placed a lotus candle at each table at our wedding, and had an altar at our wedding full of lotus candles. The lotus is a meaningful and special symbol to me. I've worn a lotus necklace every day for the past 10 years. If you are interested, I have a page on my website all about why I wear the necklace, and why I named my business Lotus.)

To make your own altar, choose objects that are meaningful to you and connect you to your purpose. Create your abundance altar to face the north because the north is connected to abundance and prosperity. 

In the northwest corner of your altar (the upper left corner) place items that represent the air element, such as incense, a feather, a fan, a wind chime, or a mobile that moves with the wind. 

In the northeast corner (upper right), place a bowl of clean water, or a vase of fresh flowers, to connect to the water element.

In the southeast corner (lower right), place a candle or lamp to represent the fire element. I used my gold lotus candle.

In the southwest corner (lower left), place items that represent the earth element, such as crystals, stones, wood, or seeds. I used stones from Shelburne Farms and my mala made from rosewood that I received at my first yoga teacher training.

The center of the altar represents the space element. Place a bowl, dish, or singing bowl in the center. Write out an intention or affirmation and place it in the bowl. If you'd like, you can add symbols of prosperity or growth, such as coins or seeds.

Behind the bowl, place a personal symbol that represents what you hope to manifest. I placed a statue of Ganesha, who is the remover of obstacles. I also added a small pig totem given to me by Heidi Kvasnak in my first year of teaching yoga at Yoga Roots because pigs symbolize fertility and prosperity, and a heart stone that I place on every altar and has been charged with the energy of all my teachers. I also pulled three cards from my Nature Mandala deck and added them because I believe we get the messages we are meant to receive. The cards I pulled were balance, radiance, and simplify, which are perfect words to guide me as I launch my new business.

In my meditation, I've been chanting a Ganesha mantra (om gum ganapataye namaha) at my altar for the purpose of clearing out energetic obstacles and making space for growth.

I'd love to hear how you create sacred space, and see pictures of your sacred spaces or altars! 

Rachel de Simone

I’m a Doctor of Physical Therapy and an integrative pain specialist focused on healing the nervous system to target the root causes of chronic pain and depletion. I offer CranioSacral Therapy, Ayurvedic Pain Consultations, and Therapeutic Yoga online and in person in Shelburne, VT.

Come to Your Senses


Root Causes