Balance your nervous system: establish rhythm

Everything in our lives is governed by rhythm. Our hearts beat in a rhythm. We breathe in a rhythm. Even our nervous system has a rhythm. We are also guided by the rhythm of the sun and the moon which create day and night and seasons. Aligning with the rhythm of our lives with the rhythms of nature supports balance and gives the nervous system a sense of safety. Here are a few things you can do to create rhythm in your life:

  • Align the rhythm of your day with the rhythm of the sun and moon. Wake up early and rise with the sun. Go to bed by 10:00 pm at the latest (or earlier in the winter when the sun sets early).

  • Eat your meals at the same time each day. Make lunch the largest meal because the midday is when the digestive fire, and the sun, are strongest, and when we need the most energy.

  • Create a daily schedule.

  • Go outside and take a walk at the same time every day.

  • Shift your routines seasonally. Nature rests in the winter, and we should too. The pace of life naturally changes when it gets darker and colder as nature conserves its energy for new growth in the spring, but humans often try to override the natural rhythm of nature, leading to exhaustion and overwhelm. Instead, listen to your biorhythms, and let your pace change with the seasons.

Follow along for the next few posts to learn more practical strategies you can use to balance your nervous system and heal from pain and click on the link in my bio and join the Path to Wellness.


balance your nervous system: practice self-care


Balance your nervous System: Breathe